Dockerfile –export-cache

The Dockerfile `--export-cache` option enhances build efficiency by allowing developers to save and reuse intermediate build layers. This feature minimizes redundant work, optimizing both time and resource usage during the Docker image creation process.
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Understanding Dockerfile –export-cache: Accelerating Your Build Process

In the world of containerization, efficiency is paramount. The Dockerfile --export-cache option is a powerful feature that allows developers to export build cache layers from a Docker build context to a specified location. This feature not only optimizes the build process by reducing build times but also enhances the reusability of cached layers across different Docker builds. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of --export-cache, exploring its syntax, use cases, advantages, and best practices for implementing it in your Docker workflows.

What is Docker Build Cache?

Before delving into --export-cache, it’s essential to understand the concept of the Docker build cache. When you build an image from a Dockerfile, Docker caches the results of each step of the build process. If you run the same build again, Docker can reuse these cached layers instead of executing them again, which significantly speeds up the build time.

For instance, if your Dockerfile contains multiple steps, and only the last step has changed, Docker will skip the previous steps that haven’t changed, utilizing the cached layers. This is particularly beneficial in CI/CD pipelines, where time is of the essence.

The Role of –export-cache

With the --export-cache option, developers can export cache layers to a local directory, allowing for easier sharing and reuse of these cached layers across different environments or even different machines. This is especially helpful when working in teams or on CI/CD systems, where build environments may vary.

Syntax and Usage

To use the --export-cache option, you would typically invoke it as part of the docker build command. The syntax is as follows:

docker build --export-cache=path/to/cache .

Here, path/to/cache is the directory where the exported cache layers will be stored. This command builds the Docker image defined by the current directory (denoted by .) while exporting the cache layers to the specified location.

Example of Using –export-cache

Let’s take a practical example to illustrate how --export-cache can be utilized. Suppose you have a Dockerfile that installs multiple dependencies and builds a web application. You can decide to export the cache after the initial stages of building, which usually take the most time.

# Dockerfile example
FROM node:14


# Install dependencies
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

# Copy application code
COPY . .

# Build the application
RUN npm run build

You can run the following command to build the image while exporting the cache:

docker build --export-cache=./cache .

This command will build your Docker image and store the cache layers in the ./cache directory. If you subsequently run the build again, Docker will be able to leverage these cached layers, significantly speeding up the process.

Advantages of Using –export-cache

1. Improved Build Performance

The primary advantage of utilizing --export-cache is the enhanced performance during image builds. By caching layers and exporting them, subsequent builds can bypass lengthy installation processes, thereby reducing build times drastically.

2. Cache Sharing among Team Members

In collaborative environments, team members may have different local setups, leading to inconsistencies in build times. By exporting a shared cache, teams can ensure that everyone utilizes the same prebuilt layers, leveling the playing field and reducing the time spent waiting for builds.

3. Simplified CI/CD Integration

In continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) setups, build times can become a bottleneck. By using --export-cache, organizations can create a caching layer that can be reused across different build pipelines. This can be especially effective in multi-stage builds, where certain stages can be cached independently.

4. Version Control for Caches

Exporting caches to a specific directory allows developers to manage different cache versions easily. This enables them to roll back to previous cache versions when necessary, ensuring that builds remain stable even if the underlying code changes.

Best Practices for Using –export-cache

1. Keep Your Cache Organized

When exporting cache layers, it’s crucial to maintain a well-organized directory structure. Consider using timestamped folders or version numbers to keep caches segregated. This practice will help you manage your caches efficiently and prevent confusion down the line.

2. Use .dockerignore

To avoid unnecessary files being included in the cache, always utilize a .dockerignore file. This file will help you filter out files and directories that do not need to be part of the Docker build context, thus optimizing both your cache and overall image size.

3. Combine with –import-cache

Docker also provides the option to import previously exported caches using the --import-cache flag. Combining both --export-cache and --import-cache allows you to maximize the benefits of caching. You can export a cache from one build and import it into another, making it easier to manage shared dependencies across multiple projects or microservices.

docker build --import-cache=./cache --export-cache=./new_cache .

4. Monitor Cache Size

As with any caching mechanism, the size of your cache can grow over time, consuming valuable disk space. Regularly monitor the size of your cache directory and clean it up as necessary. You can use tools like du to assess the disk usage of your cache directory.

5. Profile Your Builds

To determine which layers are taking the most time, consider profiling your Docker builds. You can use the --progress=plain option with Docker builds to get detailed build output, which can help you identify bottlenecks in your build process. Addressing these bottlenecks may reduce the need for extensive caching.

docker build --progress=plain --export-cache=./cache .

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Cache Misses

One of the most common issues when working with Docker caches is encountering cache misses. This occurs when Docker cannot use a cached layer because the context has changed. To mitigate this, ensure that the order of commands in your Dockerfile is optimized. Layers that are less likely to change (e.g., installations) should be placed before those that change frequently (e.g., code copies).

Disk Space Constraints

If you find that your cache is consuming too much disk space, consider setting up a routine to clean unused caches. Docker provides commands to prune dangling images and unused volumes, which can help manage disk usage.

docker system prune -af

Cross-platform Issues

When sharing caches across different environments (e.g., between a local machine and a CI/CD server), ensure that the environments are compatible. Different OS environments may result in different cached layers, potentially leading to issues when importing. It may be beneficial to use a dedicated build server with a controlled environment.


The Dockerfile --export-cache option is a valuable tool that can significantly enhance the efficiency of your image builds. By understanding how to implement and manage export caches, developers can expedite their workflows, maintain consistency across team members, and optimize CI/CD processes. As with any powerful tool, careful management, best practices, and awareness of potential pitfalls are essential for maximizing its benefits.

As the landscape of containerization continues to evolve, features like --export-cache will play an increasingly vital role in ensuring that developers can build, share, and deploy applications with speed and confidence. By leveraging caching effectively, you can focus more on development and less on waiting, leading to a more productive and satisfying development experience.