Dockerfile –build-context

The `--build-context` option in Docker allows users to specify the build context when using BuildKit. This enhances flexibility by enabling builds from sources outside the current directory, streamlining multi-repo workflows.
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Advanced Insights on Dockerfile –build-context

The --build-context flag in Docker is a pivotal feature that defines the scope of the build process in Docker. It allows users to specify the build context, which is a directory (or tarball) containing all the files and directories that Docker needs to build an image. This context encompasses the Dockerfile, application source code, and any other assets necessary for the build. Understanding and effectively using --build-context can significantly optimize your Docker builds, streamline your development workflow, and enhance the security of your applications.

Understanding Build Context

To grasp the full implications of --build-context, it’s essential to understand what build context is in Docker. The build context is essentially the working directory that Docker uses to gather resources for building an image. When you execute a Docker build command, Docker sends the entire context directory to the Docker daemon. This means that if your context contains unnecessary files, it can lead to longer build times and larger images.

The default build context is the current directory where the Dockerfile is located, but you can specify a different context directory explicitly using the --build-context flag. This flexibility allows you to manage large projects and their dependencies more effectively, especially when dealing with multiple services in a microservices architecture.

The Importance of Build Context

1. Build Optimization

Using --build-context effectively can help in optimizing the build process. When you only include the necessary files in your build context, you minimize the amount of data transferred to the Docker daemon. For example, consider a scenario where you have a large project with many files that are not critical for the Docker image, such as documentation, test files, or development utilities. By specifying a narrower build context, you can significantly speed up the build process, as Docker will not have to process these files.

2. Improved Security

Another critical aspect of managing your build context is security. By limiting the files included in the context, you reduce the risk of accidentally exposing sensitive information, such as API keys or confidential configurations that should not be included in the final image. This practice is especially crucial in multi-tenant environments or when deploying applications to public cloud infrastructures.

3. Multi-Stage Builds

The --build-context flag can also facilitate more efficient multi-stage builds. In a multi-stage build, you can use multiple FROM statements in your Dockerfile, allowing you to create smaller and more focused images. By specifying different build contexts for different stages, you can optimize each stage independently. For example, you can pull in large dependencies only in the build stage and leave them out of the final image, resulting in a smaller and more efficient production image.

Setting Up a Custom Build Context

To use the --build-context flag, you must first ensure that your Docker CLI is updated to a version that supports it, as this feature is part of the BuildKit backend. Here’s a step-by-step guide to demonstrate how to set up and use a custom build context:

Step 1: Enable BuildKit

Ensure Docker BuildKit is enabled. You can do this by setting the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable:


Alternatively, you can enable BuildKit in the Docker configuration file (/etc/docker/daemon.json):

  "features": {
    "buildkit": true

Step 2: Create a Directory Structure

Create a directory structure for your project. For instance:

├── app/
│   ├── src/
│   └── Dockerfile
├── resources/
│   └── config/
└── scripts/

Step 3: Use the –build-context Flag

Suppose you only want to include the app directory as the build context. You would run the following command:

docker build --build-context app=app/ -t myapp:latest -f app/Dockerfile .

In this command:

  • --build-context app=app/ specifies that the context for the build named app is the app/ directory.
  • -t myapp:latest tags the resulting image.
  • -f app/Dockerfile specifies the location of the Dockerfile.

Step 4: Accessing Build Context in Dockerfile

In your Dockerfile, you can refer to the specified context using the ARG directive. For example:

# Dockerfile in app/
FROM node:14

# Set build argument

# Copy files from the specified context
COPY ${APP_CONTEXT}/src /usr/src/app

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install

CMD ["npm", "start"]

To build this image with the correct context, you would modify the build command like this:

docker build --build-context app=app/ --build-arg APP_CONTEXT=app -t myapp:latest -f app/Dockerfile .

Common Use Cases for –build-context

1. Microservices Architectures

In microservices architectures, you often need to build images for multiple microservices that share a common codebase or set of resources. By using --build-context, you can isolate the build context for each microservice, ensuring that only the necessary files are sent to the Docker daemon, thus optimizing the build process.

2. CI/CD Pipelines

In Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) workflows, managing build contexts can streamline your pipeline. You can dynamically set the context based on different branches or features, allowing for more efficient builds. For example, in a CI pipeline, you could specify a particular feature branch as the build context to test new features without affecting the main branch.

3. Multi-Platform Builds

With the advent of multi-platform builds, --build-context can become a powerful tool. You can specify different build contexts for different platforms, optimizing the build process for each target environment. This capability is particularly useful in organizations that deploy applications across various infrastructures, such as on-premises servers, cloud providers, and edge networks.

Best Practices for Using –build-context

1. Keep Contexts Lean

Always strive to keep your build contexts as lean as possible. Remove unnecessary files and directories from your build contexts to avoid longer build times and minimize the image size. Use .dockerignore files to exclude files and directories that are not needed in the build context.

2. Use Version Control

Maintain your build context in a version-controlled repository. This allows you to track changes and roll back if needed. Additionally, it ensures that your builds are reproducible, as you can always reference a specific version of your codebase.

3. Automate Context Management

Automate the management of your build contexts in your CI/CD pipelines. Use scripts to dynamically set the context based on the environment or branch being built. This reduces manual errors and ensures consistency across builds.

4. Test Your Builds

Regularly test your builds with different contexts to ensure that your application behaves as expected in various scenarios. This is particularly important when working with multiple microservices or complex configurations.

5. Monitor Build Performance

Monitor your build performance metrics to identify bottlenecks in your build process. Tools like Docker’s BuildKit can provide insights into which parts of your build context are taking the longest to process, allowing you to optimize further.


The --build-context feature in Docker is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your Docker image building process. By understanding how to effectively use this feature, you can optimize your builds, improve security, and streamline your development workflow. Whether you’re dealing with microservices, CI/CD pipelines, or multi-platform builds, leveraging --build-context will lead to more efficient builds and ultimately better software delivery. As you adopt these practices, you’ll find that the management of your Docker images becomes not only easier but also more effective in meeting the demands of modern software development.