Docker Service PS

Docker Service PS is a command-line tool that displays the status of services in a Docker Swarm. It provides insights into service instances, replicas, and their health, facilitating effective container orchestration management.
Table of Contents

Understanding Docker Service PS: An In-Depth Exploration

Docker Service PS is an essential command within the Docker Swarm mode that allows users to inspect the state of services running in a swarm cluster. It provides key insights into the running tasks, their health status, and the overall deployment of services across the nodes in the cluster. Using this command effectively can help administrators and developers monitor service performance, troubleshoot issues, and ensure high availability in distributed applications.

Introduction to Docker Swarm

Before diving into the intricacies of docker service ps, it’s vital to grasp the concept of Docker Swarm itself. Docker Swarm is a clustering and orchestration tool for Docker containers. It enables users to manage a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system, making it easier to deploy, scale, and manage applications in a cloud-native environment. Swarm mode provides built-in load balancing, service discovery, scaling, and rolling updates.

In a typical Docker Swarm setup, services are composed of one or more tasks (containers) that run on different nodes. Each task is managed by the swarm manager, which keeps track of the desired state, ensuring that the actual state of the swarm matches the desired state specified by the user.

The Role of docker service ps

The command docker service ps is used to display the tasks associated with a given service in a Docker Swarm. This command can be instrumental for administrators and developers who need to monitor the state of their applications, debug issues, and gather insights about service performance.

Key Features of docker service ps

  1. Task State Monitoring:

    • The command provides information about the state of each task associated with a service. Tasks can be in various states such as RUNNING, FAILED, SHUTDOWN, or PENDING.
  2. Node Distribution:

    • It shows which nodes are running each task, assisting in the understanding of the load distribution across the swarm cluster.
  3. Service Update and Rollback:

    • When a service update is performed, docker service ps can help track the progress of the update, allowing users to see which tasks have been updated and which are still running the previous version.
  4. Error Tracking:

    • The command provides error messages for tasks that fail to start or run, enabling quick troubleshooting.
  5. Task ID and Versioning:

    • Each task has a unique ID and versioning info that can be critical for identifying specific deployments and changes in task configurations.

Syntax and Options

The basic syntax of the docker service ps command is:

docker service ps [OPTIONS] SERVICE

Common Options

  • --no-trunc: Do not truncate output.
  • --filter: Filter output based on conditions provided (such as desired state).
  • --format: Format the output using a Go template.
  • --quiet: Only display task IDs.

Example Usage

To illustrate the usage of docker service ps, consider a scenario where you have deployed a simple web application in Docker Swarm. Here’s how you can inspect the tasks associated with your service.

  1. Create a Service:
    First, create a service using the following command:

    docker service create --name my-web-app --replicas 3 nginx

    This command deploys an NGINX web server with three replicas.

  2. Inspect the Service:
    Now, to check the status of the tasks, you would use:

    docker service ps my-web-app

    The output will resemble:

    ID                  NAME                  SERVICE             MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE               PORTS
    h8w3d2n9z8e7        my-web-app.1         my-web-app         replicated          1/1                 nginx:latest       *:80->80/tcp
    t4x5f6x3r8f2        my-web-app.2         my-web-app         replicated          1/1                 nginx:latest       *:80->80/tcp
    j7x8t2e1a2g4        my-web-app.3         my-web-app         replicated          1/1                 nginx:latest       *:80->80/tcp

This output provides an overview of the tasks for the my-web-app service, including their IDs, current state, and the node they are running on.

The Output Explained

The output from docker service ps includes crucial information:

  • ID: The unique identifier for each task.
  • NAME: The name of the task, which includes the service name and an index number.
  • SERVICE: The name of the service to which the task belongs.
  • MODE: Indicates if the service is replicated or global.
  • REPLICAS: Shows the current number of replicas and the desired number.
  • IMAGE: The Docker image being used for the task.
  • PORTS: Lists the ports exposed by the tasks.

Filtering and Formatting

docker service ps provides options for filtering and formatting outputs to target specific information. For example:

Filtering by Desired State

To show only the tasks that are RUNNING, you can use:

docker service ps my-web-app --filter "desired-state=running"

Custom Formatting

Using the --format option, you can customize the output:

docker service ps my-web-app --format '{{.ID}}: {{.Names}} - {{.Node}} - {{.State}}'

This command would yield a more concise output, displaying just task IDs, names, nodes, and states.

Handling Task Failures

One of the critical functionalities provided by docker service ps is the ability to track failed tasks. If a task fails, it is marked as FAILED, and you can retrieve detailed error messages to diagnose the reason for failure.

For instance, if you notice that a task has failed, running the command:

docker service ps my-web-app

will show the failure state. To gather more details on the failed task, you can examine the logs by using the docker logs command along with the task ID:

docker logs 

This log output can provide error messages or stack traces that are crucial for troubleshooting.

Updating Services

When you update a service, the docker service ps command becomes an invaluable tool for monitoring the rollout of the update. For example, if you wanted to update the image version of my-web-app, you would run:

docker service update --image nginx:latest my-web-app

Immediately after executing this command, running:

docker service ps my-web-app

will show the status of each task during the update process. You can observe which tasks are still running the old version and which are being replaced by the new version, giving you insight into how the update is progressing.

Rolling Back Services

In some cases, deployments may not go as planned, leading to the necessity of rolling back to a previous version. The docker service ps command is instrumental in this scenario as well. To roll back a service, the command is:

docker service update --rollback my-web-app

After executing the rollback command, you can again utilize docker service ps my-web-app to monitor the status of the rollback process and to ensure that the service is stable.

Best Practices for Using docker service ps

To maximize the utility of docker service ps, consider the following best practices:

  1. Regular Monitoring:
    Regularly check the state of your services, especially in production environments. This can catch issues early and maintain uptime.

  2. Automate Monitoring:
    Consider integrating docker service ps output into monitoring tools or scripts that can alert you when tasks enter a failed state.

  3. Verbose Logging:
    Add verbosity to your commands when troubleshooting. This can provide additional context to understand the state of tasks.

  4. Combine with Other Commands:
    Use docker service ps in conjunction with other Docker commands like docker service logs to get a complete picture of your service’s health.

  5. Version Control:
    Keep track of service versions and utilize tagging in your Docker images. This enables easier rollbacks and tracking of deployment history.


Understanding and effectively using the docker service ps command is indispensable for managing services in a Docker Swarm environment. It provides critical insights that empower developers and system administrators to maintain robust, reliable, and high-performing distributed applications. By leveraging this tool, users can monitor task states, troubleshoot issues, and ensure that their applications run smoothly across a cluster of nodes. As your application scales, mastering the nuances of service management will only become more essential, making docker service ps a command worth knowing inside and out.