Docker Build Cache

Docker Build Cache optimizes the image building process by storing intermediate layers. This reduces build time and resource consumption, allowing developers to efficiently manage dependencies and streamline workflows.
Table of Contents

Understanding Docker Build Cache: An Advanced Guide

Docker Build Cache is a mechanism that enhances the efficiency of the Docker image building process by storing intermediate layers of images, which can be reused in subsequent builds. This allows developers to avoid redundant work, significantly speeding up the build process when changes are made. By intelligently leveraging caching, Docker helps optimize resource usage and time management, making it an essential feature for developers working with containerized applications.

The Architecture of Docker Build Cache

To grasp the nuances of Docker Build Cache, it’s important to first understand how Docker images are constructed. A Docker image consists of a series of layers, each representing a change made to the filesystem. These layers are created as a result of the commands specified in the Dockerfile. The layers are built in a specific order, and Docker maintains a cache of these layers to optimize future builds.

Dockerfile and Layer Creation

When a Dockerfile is processed, each instruction (like RUN, COPY, ADD, etc.) generates a new layer. The layers are immutable, meaning once they are created, they cannot be changed. Each layer is identified by a unique hash based on its content. If the contents of a layer remain unchanged, Docker can reuse the cached version of that layer for subsequent builds.

Cache Behavior

Docker’s caching mechanism uses a specific algorithm to determine whether to use a cached layer or build a new one. The caching mechanism follows the principle of "cache invalidation." If any part of a layer’s command changes, that layer and all subsequent layers are rebuilt. This behavior allows Docker to be both efficient and predictable.

Types of Build Cache

Docker supports different types of build caches that developers can utilize to enhance their build processes:

1. Local Build Cache

The local build cache is stored on the developer’s machine. It consists of all the layers created during the building of images on that machine. This cache is created automatically as layers are built, and it can be used in future builds. However, it is specific to the local environment, meaning that if a developer switches machines or environments, they will not have access to this cache.

2. Remote Build Cache

With the introduction of BuildKit, Docker supports remote caching capabilities. This allows developers to push their build cache to remote repositories. Remote caching can significantly speed up builds in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines by allowing multiple developers or CI/CD agents to share cache layers.

3. Cache Export/Import

Docker also provides the ability to export and import build cache. Using the --cache-from option, developers can specify existing images or cache stored in a remote repository to be used as a cache source for the build. This feature allows for more flexibility in managing build environments and speeds up builds by leveraging existing caches from other sources.

Optimizing the Build Cache Usage

To effectively utilize Docker Build Cache, developers can adopt several best practices that will help optimize the way caches are used during the image build process.

1. Order Dockerfile Instructions Smartly

The order of commands in a Dockerfile can significantly impact cache efficiency. Instructions that are less likely to change should be placed higher in the Dockerfile. For instance, installing dependencies should come before adding application code. This way, if only the application code changes, the dependency layer can still be reused from the cache.

# Efficiently ordering Dockerfile instructions
FROM node:14

# Install dependencies
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install

# Copy application code
COPY . .

# Build the application
RUN npm run build

In the example above, if only the application code changes, the npm install step can be cached, saving time.

2. Use Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds allow developers to create smaller final images by using multiple FROM statements in a Dockerfile. Each stage can utilize cached layers from previous stages, reducing the overall image size and build time.

# First stage: build the application
FROM node:14 AS builder

COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

# Second stage: create the final image
FROM nginx:alpine

COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html

With this approach, if the application code changes, only the build stage needs to be rebuilt, while the final image can still benefit from the cached layers of the base image.

3. Utilize BuildKit

Docker BuildKit introduces more advanced caching and parallel execution features. To enable BuildKit, set the environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1. With BuildKit, developers can take advantage of features like cache import/export, automatic layer squashing, and build secrets.

4. Avoid Unnecessary Layers

Each command in the Dockerfile creates a new layer. By minimizing the number of commands, you can reduce the total layer count, which can improve cache performance. Grouping commands using && can help achieve this.

# Instead of multiple RUN commands
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y 

Reducing the number of layers minimizes the amount of data that needs to be cached and speeds up the build process.

5. Use --no-cache Strategically

While caches are useful, there are times when you might want to force a rebuild. Using the --no-cache option when building an image ensures that no cached layers are used. This can be helpful for debugging or ensuring that you have the latest versions of dependencies.

Diagnosing Build Cache Issues

Despite best efforts, issues with the build cache may arise. Diagnosing these issues can be crucial for maintaining efficient build processes.

1. Build Cache Misses

A common issue is experiencing cache misses, where Docker decides to rebuild layers that you expect to be cached. This typically happens when:

  • The command has changed.
  • The contents of files being copied or added have changed.
  • The base image has been updated, invalidating its layers.

To investigate cache misses, you can use the docker build --progress=plain flag, which provides detailed output on which layers are being built and which are being cached.

2. Cache Bloat

Over time, the local build cache may become bloated with unused layers. Regularly cleaning up the cache can help mitigate this issue. Using commands like docker system prune can help clear unused images, containers, and networks, including cached layers.

3. Monitoring Build Performance

Tools like Docker’s BuildKit provide insights into build performance. By analyzing build times and cache usage patterns, developers can identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.


Docker Build Cache is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance the efficiency of building Docker images. Understanding the architecture, types, and best practices for utilizing the build cache can lead to faster builds and more efficient resource usage. By strategically ordering Dockerfile instructions, leveraging multi-stage builds, using BuildKit, and regularly diagnosing cache issues, developers can master the use of Docker Build Cache, ultimately leading to improved development workflows.

As the world of containerization evolves, staying updated with the latest Docker features and enhancements will continue to be vital for developers aiming to optimize their CI/CD processes. Embracing the intricacies of Docker Build Cache ensures that you’re well-equipped to handle the complexities of modern application development in a containerized environment.