Build Kit

The Build Kit is a modular construction system designed to streamline assembly processes. It incorporates standardized components, enhancing efficiency and reducing waste in various projects.
Table of Contents

An In-Depth Look at Docker BuildKit

Introduction to BuildKit

Docker BuildKit is an advanced build subsystem for Docker introduced to enhance the existing image build process. It provides significant improvements in terms of performance, usability, and flexibility. BuildKit allows users to create more efficient Docker images through features like parallel builds, caching strategies, and secret management, all while adhering to modern development practices such as multi-stage builds and build-time arguments. With its modular design, BuildKit enables developers to write builds that are not only faster but also more maintainable and secure.

Evolution of Docker Builds

To understand BuildKit, it’s essential to look back at Docker’s evolution. Docker has transformed the way developers build, ship, and run applications. The traditional Docker build process has served well but has limitations, particularly regarding speed and efficiency. As applications grow in complexity, so do their dependencies, leading to longer build times and larger images. These challenges prompted the development of BuildKit to optimize the building of Docker images.

Limitations of Traditional Docker Builds

  1. Sequential Build Steps: Traditional Docker builds execute each step sequentially, which means that if a single command takes time, the entire build process stalls.

  2. Inefficient Caching: The cache mechanism in traditional builds is limited in scope, often leading to unnecessary rebuilds when only minor changes occur.

  3. Lack of Advanced Features: Features like conditional builds, build secrets, and multi-architecture builds were either unsupported or complicated to implement.

By addressing these limitations, BuildKit enhances the developer experience and streamlines the build process.

Key Features of BuildKit

BuildKit introduces an array of features designed to improve the build experience and offer new capabilities. Here are some of the most noteworthy:

1. Parallel Execution

One of the most significant improvements BuildKit offers is the ability to execute multiple build steps in parallel. This parallel execution can dramatically reduce build times, especially in complex Dockerfiles with several independent steps. The BuildKit engine analyzes the Dockerfile and identifies which steps can be executed concurrently, leveraging available CPU resources more efficiently.

2. Advanced Caching

BuildKit introduces an advanced caching mechanism that can cache not just the final image but also intermediate layers. This means subsequent builds can skip steps that haven’t changed, significantly speeding up the build process. The caching is intelligent and can adapt based on file changes, allowing for more granular control over what gets rebuilt.

3. Secret Management

Managing secrets during the build process has always been a challenge. BuildKit addresses this issue with a dedicated feature for handling secrets. Developers can pass sensitive information like API keys during the build without exposing them in the image layers. Secrets are made available during the build process but are automatically discarded after the build completes, ensuring they do not leak into the final image.

4. BuildKit Frontends

BuildKit supports various frontends, each tailored for specific use cases or environments. The default frontend is the Dockerfile frontend, but it can also utilize other configurations like Buildpacks or custom frontends via the --frontend option. This extensibility allows teams to choose the best tool for their workflow and encourages innovation in how builds are defined and executed.

5. Multi-Stage Builds

While multi-stage builds were introduced in Docker 17.06, BuildKit enhances their capabilities. In a multi-stage build, you can define multiple FROM statements in a single Dockerfile, allowing you to create lightweight production images by including only what is necessary. BuildKit allows for better layer caching and optimization across these stages, which can result in smaller final images.

6. Remote Cache and Export

BuildKit enables developers to push build caches to remote storage solutions, facilitating collaboration in distributed teams. This feature allows builds to be faster and more efficient, as teams can share and utilize each other’s caches. Additionally, BuildKit supports exporting images to a variety of destinations beyond the local Docker daemon, making it easier to deploy images to cloud services or other registries.

Using BuildKit: Getting Started

To start using BuildKit, you need to enable it in your Docker environment. Here is how to do it:

Enabling BuildKit

BuildKit can be enabled by setting an environment variable or configuring the Docker daemon. The easiest way is to set the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable to 1 before running your Docker commands:


This will enable BuildKit for your current terminal session. You can also enable it permanently by modifying the Docker daemon configuration file (usually located at /etc/docker/daemon.json):

  "features": {
    "buildkit": true

Writing a BuildKit Dockerfile

A typical Dockerfile using BuildKit might look something like this:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3
FROM node:14 AS builder

COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

# Final stage
FROM node:14

COPY --from=builder /app/build ./build
CMD ["node", "build/index.js"]

In this example, the syntax directive at the top specifies that we are using BuildKit features. The Dockerfile contains two stages: one for building the Node.js application and another for the final image.

Leveraging BuildKit Features

You can leverage BuildKit’s advanced features in your Dockerfile by using specific commands:

Using Secrets

To use secrets in your build, you can refer to them using the --secret flag:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3
FROM node:14

RUN --mount=type=secret,id=mysecret 
    cat /run/secrets/mysecret

You would then build the image with:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --secret id=mysecret,src=/path/to/secret .

This ensures the secret is available during the build but is not included in the final image.

Using Cache Export

To export the build cache, you can use the --cache-to option when building:

docker build --cache-to=type=local,dest=path/to/cache .

This command saves the cache to a local directory, which can be reused in future builds.

Best Practices for BuildKit

While BuildKit brings many new features to the table, following best practices will ensure you get the most out of it:

  1. Optimize Layer Usage: Combine commands where possible to reduce the number of layers and leverage caching effectively. Use multi-stage builds to keep final images lean.

  2. Manage Secrets Securely: Always use BuildKit’s secret management feature to handle sensitive information securely.

  3. Utilize Build Caches: Take advantage of remote caches to speed up builds in a team environment. This can significantly reduce build times and resources.

  4. Keep Dockerfiles Clean: Write clear and well-structured Dockerfiles. Use comments and consistent formatting to enhance readability and maintainability.

  5. Test Builds Regularly: As with any development process, regularly testing your builds will help catch issues early in the development cycle. Automate build and test workflows where possible.


Docker BuildKit revolutionizes the way developers build images by introducing significant enhancements to the build process. With features like parallel execution, advanced caching, and secret management, BuildKit not only improves performance but also enhances security and usability. As Docker continues to evolve, adopting BuildKit can help teams streamline their workflows and create more efficient and secure containerized applications.

Incorporating BuildKit into your Docker workflow can be a game-changer, enabling faster development cycles and allowing teams to focus on building innovative solutions rather than getting bogged down by the intricacies of the build process. As the landscape of containerization continues to grow, leveraging tools like BuildKit will no doubt play a critical role in the success of modern DevOps practices.